Gicumbi raises Rwf 158m in anti-Nyakatsi drive

GICUMBI - Members of Gicumbi Joint Action Development Forum (JADF), last Friday,  raised Rwf158m in pledges  as part of the District’s effort to eradicate grass-thatched huts, commonly known as Nyakatsi, by March. 

Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Members of the District JADF meeting last Friday. (Photo A.Gahene)

GICUMBI - Members of Gicumbi Joint Action Development Forum (JADF), last Friday,  raised Rwf158m in pledges  as part of the District’s effort to eradicate grass-thatched huts, commonly known as Nyakatsi, by March. 

The JADF members comprising of NGOs, banks, religious organizations, industries and cooperative societies met at Byumba Anglican Church (EAR) conference hall. 
World Vision pledged to contribute construction materials worth Rwf40m, while Byumba Anglican Diocese pledged Rwf4m to purchase iron sheets. 

"This is part of World Vision programme to provide proper shelter for vulnerable persons in the district,” said Polycarpe Nshimirimana, World Vision Zone Manager, North.
The provincial coordinator of Rwanda Red Cross, Eugene Karangwa, said Red Cross volunteers will construct 12 houses for vulnerable persons in Mutete Sector, before March.  

He further said that their volunteers will construct 38 toilets for vulnerable groups in Ngondole Cell, Byumba Sector.  

Mayor Bonane Nyangezi, said the district has so far constructed a total of 1,766 out of 6,799 thatched houses in the district, which is equivalent to 20 percent. 
"Your contribution to eradicate thatched houses is highly needed, since the Northern Province authorities set March as the deadline,” said Nyangezi.  

The District vice Mayor in charge of Economic Affairs, Ildehonse Butera, disclosed that district employees have pledged to contribute Rwf3.8m from their salaries, towards the campaign. 

In a separate interview, the JADF Secretary General, Anastas Nduwayezu, said they have up to February15 to collect their financial and material pledges.
