RRA urges business community to respect tax laws

KIGALI - Rwanda Revenue Authority officials have embarked on a sensitization drive, urging tax payers to respect the tax laws and meet their obligations. According to Ben Kagarama, the RRA deputy Commissioner in charge of Large Taxpayers’, respecting tax laws will enhance understanding between the revenue body and entrepreneurs.

Monday, January 31, 2011
Ben Kagarama, the Deputy Commissioner for Large Taxpayers Office

KIGALI - Rwanda Revenue Authority officials have embarked on a sensitization drive, urging tax payers to respect the tax laws and meet their obligations.

According to Ben Kagarama, the RRA deputy Commissioner in charge of Large Taxpayers’, respecting tax laws will enhance understanding between the revenue body and entrepreneurs.

"We have been disagreeing on some issues like withholding tax and others but what I am emphasizing is to always respect the laws. You cannot for example impose tax on someone with a small business and then exonerate another who is driving a luxurious vehicle like a Hammer,” he said.

While addressing a meeting that attracted large tax payers, Kagarama noted that RRA is ready to discuss with their business partners to ensure that their problems are solved.

"We are ready to continue discussing with them, we are ever available to provide the required services to ensure that all their complaints are duly addressed,” he said.
RRA was accused by participants at the meeting of imposing taxes that are unknown to them, something they said was hindering their businesses operations.

The meeting that was held at the RRA headquarters attracted various companies, including banks, insurance companies and micro finance institutions.
