‘Carpal tunnel”, is the portion at the base of the hand at the wrist, where the tendon of the flexor muscles of the hand and carpal bones are located.” Carpal tunnel syndrome is the constellation of pain, parasthesias and discomfort which occurs in the affected   hand and upper limb. These symptoms occur due to compression   of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

‘Carpal tunnel”, is the portion at the base of the hand at the wrist, where the tendon of the flexor muscles of the hand and carpal bones are located.”

Carpal tunnel syndrome is the constellation of pain, parasthesias and discomfort which occurs in the affected   hand and upper limb. These symptoms occur due to compression   of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel.

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs due to repetitive movements of hands as   occurs    due to repetitive use. Cooking cutting, washing clothes, scrubbing, pounding, moving motors,  typing, e.t.c. are such type of activities which induce a carpal tunnel syndrome.  Sometimes one may develop it after bed making also, particularly if heavy mattresses have to be moved or tucked into.

As such any gender can be affected by this syndrome. But because it is women who indulge more in the type of work likely to induce carpal tunnel syndrome, therefore women   suffer 3 times  more  than men and that too more  in middle age. The carpal tunnel of women is also small anatomically as compared to men.

Hence it is subjected to stress more readily and  this also contributes to the fact that more women suffer from this type of syndrome.

The problems usually start after a person has been doing some work involving repetitive movements of hands   for many years. Thus symptoms mostly develop in middle years of one’s life. With passage of time and continuation of the same   work, symptoms increase in severity. 

Commonly there is burning  pain in the thumb, index, big finger and medial half of ring finger as these are the parts supplied sensation by the median nerve. But the entire hand may be involved in pain. Sometimes the pain may spread high up to the arm and shoulder as well. The   pain may be so severe as if the hand has been burnt.  It can   awaken a person from sleep.

Along with pain, an individual may   feel   abnormal sensations like tingling, crawling of insects, e.t.c., in the affected part.  The affected part may get swollen and become numb.

All these   symptoms may last for few minutes to an hour or so. But overall they are very disturbing  to an individual.  The working of a person is also hampered by the recurrent pain.

Other conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, musculo-skeletal stress, osteoporosis, trauma, disease of the  blood vessels supplying blood to the limbs,e.t.c. aggravate the pain and other symptoms  caused due to carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be diagnosed  easily by  the typical clinical features. But, it has to be differentiated from other conditions causing similar symptoms by more advanced tests like electrophysiological studies of the nerve and its conduction. 

Splinting   of the affected hand or limb provides much respite in the pain, numbness and other symptoms in carpal tunnel syndrome. This occurs, because splinting provides total relief to the suffering limb. Local injection of  corticosteroids are also used to provide relief in the suffering.

Absolute treatment consists of surgery where the carpal tunnel is opened up and enlarged which gives much relief to the patient. But this is a major surgery associated with the potential hazards of a major surgery, like sepsis. Therefore once the features develop an individual should try to prevent aggravation of the condition.

Good nutritious food abundant in vitamins B1, B6 and B12 will keep the nerves of the body strong and help in minimizing the damage caused to the nerve as in carpal tunnel syndrome. Whole grains and cereals, meat products, nuts, e.t.c.  are helpful in this regard. While doing any work involving movements of the hands, a person should try to give pauses  of few minutes to the hands.

Exercise of the hands done regularly from an early age helps to keep the hands supple and able to take more strain. Hence this will avoid development and aggravation of carpal tunnel syndrome.