Living Life : What is Your Map?

In life everybody needs a map to get through. Be it a simple journey to the market or a complex plan to navigate through the vagaries of formal education, one needs a map.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

In life everybody needs a map to get through. Be it a simple journey to the market or a complex plan to navigate through the vagaries of formal education, one needs a map.

This map can be mental - deeply ingrained into one’s brain or can be physical – on a piece of paper or symbolically presented by a piece of object. 

All human desires to improve must be backed by a map, in for of a plan that is well thought out with specific goals and targets and a precise timeline. But a map is not just a simple map, as a motivational speaker put it out recently in a very interesting manner – that your map is really your Massive Action Plan.  

This is based on the law of cause and effect which states that for every effect in your life, there is a cause, or series of specific, measurable, definable, identifiable causes.

This law says that if there is anything you want in life, an effect that you desire, you can find someone else that has achieved the same result or effect, and that by doing the same things that they have done over and over you can eventually enjoy the same results and rewards, says Gary Ryan Blair in his 100 Day Challenge.  

Ryan goes on to write that your mind is the most powerful force in your universe, and you become what you think about most of the time. You are where you are and what you are because of your habitual ways of thinking. Your thoughts are creative, and they ultimately create your reality. So if you change your thinking, you change your life.

You should learn to do things with much more focus on your desired outcome. Finding a way to make it happen, changing your mindset to be "results” oriented rather than "task” oriented can be the difference between achieving the results you desire or not, hence spinning your wheels.

It’s been said that a goal is created three times, first, as a mental picture, an idea or thought in your mind. Second, is when you write it down to add clarity and dimension, and third, is when you take action toward its achievement?

Your journey toward success begins the moment you take action toward a worthwhile goal, at least according to the blog, Martial Arts Training Academy of Hollywood. Most goals that are worthwhile require lots of focus and consistent, aggressive action to see through to success and achievement.
So a map is not an end but a means to an end. Remember that however massive your map is, it all depends on implementation. The ‘a’ for action in the massive action plan is what gives it meaning.

I wish you active Sunday.