Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia, My son is 19 years old and still in primary school. I have tried pushing him to be interested in his studies but in vain. Fortunately even though he performs very poorly in school, he is very good at computers. Family and friends alike always call him to repair their computers and he is even paid for the services.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dear Aunt Silvia,

My son is 19 years old and still in primary school. I have tried pushing him to be interested in his studies but in vain. Fortunately even though he performs very poorly in school, he is very good at computers. Family and friends alike always call him to repair their computers and he is even paid for the services. He can dismantle a computer and put it back in a few minutes, but when it comes to school he performs very poorly. What should I do with him, am very scared for his future with no education?


Dear Nancy,

Did you know that not all successful people in the world are educated? 19 years and still in primary school is such a worthless effort to try and keep the boy in school. Since he has shown his love for computers I suggest that you support him in this area, you never know what his future holds for him.

It is very unfortunate that more parents think that a child’s future can only be certain when they have attained a certain level of education even without trying to find out from them where exactly their interests lie in.

Not all of us were meant to be doctor or lawyers. That is why we have people who have no real education background and yet have excelled in life, because they were supported in whatever field their interest was on.

What I would suggest that you do with your son, is to get the right vocational training college for him to be further trained in computers.

If he is very good at computers as you say, then we can hardly say he is stupid, because a computer needs a highly intelligent person to be able to work around it, dismantle and put it back in shape within few minutes. It might be difficult for you to accept the fact that your son has not even completed the first phase of education level, but you never know what will happen in the future.

Give him your full support and do not suggest to him at any given time that he is stupid, and he will be a failure in life. You just have no idea what words of encouragement, support and love can do to such a child. If you look at your fingers you will realize not all of them are of the same size, and each has a different role they play in our lives.

You also know that in this world we have doctors, lawyers, mechanics, technicians and even professional cleaners and fashion designers.

Some of these men and women dared to follow their dreams and through support made it big in their lives without as much as a single school certificate, but by sheer determination.

Support your son to the fullest, computers are his destiny- he will definitely earn a living through his first love which are computers.
