How They Work

“The LED Television Set (Cont’d)” If I may take you back a bit, the two abbreviations “LCD and LED” (Liquid Crystal Display and Light Emitting Diode) tend to be interchangeable though it is not the case. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

"The LED Television Set (Cont’d)”

If I may take you back a bit, the two abbreviations "LCD and LED” (Liquid Crystal Display and Light Emitting Diode) tend to be interchangeable though it is not the case. 

Many people confuse the two to be opposites of each other or competitors but that is far from the truth.  In actual sense, the two tend to complement each other. We can conclusively say that, without the LCD, there might not be the LED TV; though the reverse may not necessarily be true. 

If you are considering the purchase of an LED or LCD Television, find out which brands and models are currently using the Edge or Full Array method and take a look at each type when you go shopping to see which type of LED backlighting looks best to you. Don’t get confused so much with the sales men’s jargons of LCD vs LED, most probably, they don’t even know what they are talking about or they are merely trying to impress on you so that you can but a more expensive product than you would have otherwise bought!

Whereas the term LED has nothing to do with the picture or image production in the TV or computer monitor, they are merely a form of lighting up of the screen so that you are able to view the image in an appropriate manner, LCD is s display unit or screen.  That said and done, I do not want to be misunderstood at all. 

It is not that the LED technology is useless, far from that! Since LEDs are designed differently from the standard fluorescent backlight systems, this means that the new LED backlit LCD sets offer a number of benefits as opposed to the conventional florescent backlight.

They offer Lower power consumption, no mercury used as in some other LCD backlight systems, more balanced colour saturation, In LED/LCD TVs using the Full Array backlight method, there is little or no light leakage in dark scenes.

This contributes to even better black levels than traditional or LED Edge-lit LCD televisions. LED/LCD TVs that use the Edge backlight method can be made much thinner than both standard LCD and Full Array LED/LCD televisions.

The only true LED-only TVs are the ones you see in stadiums, arenas, other large events and "high-res” billboards like the ones we see on many of our streets now a days. LED backlight does represent advancement in technology, mostly in bringing LCD TVs up to the performance levels of Plasma Televisions in terms of black level performance, and, at the same time, making even thinner LCD TV designs possible.

On the other hand, because LED backlighting is new for LCD TVs, these sets are more expensive that non-LED backlit sets. The image quality of the LCD/LED TVs is very impressive.  The LED TVs have been brought another level viz "The 3D”.

LED lighting is also used in some DLP (Digital Light Processing) televisions and is also making its way into DLP video projectors. In both cases, a LED supplies the light source instead of a traditional projection lamp. In a DLP television or DLP video projector, the image is actually produced in gray scale form on the surface of the DLP chip, in which each pixel is also a mirror.

The light source (in this case an LED light source made up of red, green, and blue elements) reflects light off of the DLP chip’s micro mirrors and is projected onto the screen.

Using an LED light source in DLP projection televisions and video projectors eliminates the use of a colour wheel. This enables you to see the image on the screen without the DLP rainbow effect.