Gatsinzi urges refugees to prevent flood water disasters

GICUMBI - The Minister of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs, Gen. Marcel Gatsinzi, has called on Congolese Refugees at  Gihembe camp  in Kageyo Sector to prevent flood water disasters by regularly digging rain water collection trenches and planting trees along the slopes of the refugee camp.

Sunday, January 30, 2011
Minister Gatsinzi (2nd R) flanked by Mayor Bonane Nyangezi participate in Umuganda to dig water collection trenches (Photo A.Gahene)

GICUMBI - The Minister of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs, Gen. Marcel Gatsinzi, has called on Congolese Refugees at  Gihembe camp  in Kageyo Sector to prevent flood water disasters by regularly digging rain water collection trenches and planting trees along the slopes of the refugee camp.

Gatsinzi made the call on Saturday during community work (Umuganda) which brought together the Refugees, Gicumbi District officials and neighbouring residents.

"Water from the refugee camp poses a hazard to neighbouring residents’ crops and lives, which is why you should regularly maintain the flood water collection trenches and plant trees to prevent soil erosion,” said Gen.Gatsinzi.

He further said that his Ministry, in partnership with United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), are committed to prevent the occurrence of disasters attributed to rain water from the camp.

The minister also advised residents of Kageyo Sector to turn up in large numbers for the forthcoming local leaders’ elections.

"You should elect leaders with integrity, with no past criminal records because they are the pillar upon which government depends to channel development programs to you,” he said.
MP Pelagie Mukantaganzwa sensitized the refugees and neighbouring communities on preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS.

"HIV/AIDS is an enemy to development because it deprives Rwanda of energetic and hard working people needed to accelerate socio-economic development,” she said.

She advised the community to always use condoms.

"Condom use is vital for the prevention of the spread of HIV/AIDS and for family planning purposes,” Hon. Mukantaganzwa advised.

In a separate interview with The Sunday Times, UNHCR Associate Environmental Officer, Scholastica Shumbusho Mbabazi, saher organisation will fill up a ravine caused by rain flood water from Gihembe Refugee camp as soon as possible, because it poses a security threat to neighbouring residents.

"In addition, UNHCR will conduct regular seminars at the refugee camp and neighbouring communities on environment protection awareness,” said Mbabazi.  
