You can conquer by being positive

Have you ever wondered why some people make plenty of money and love what they do while others struggle to get it?  Or, how some people get into the right business and come out successful while others try to emulate them but fail? 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Have you ever wondered why some people make plenty of money and love what they do while others struggle to get it?  Or, how some people get into the right business and come out successful while others try to emulate them but fail? 

The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor.

And, this is the truth about wealth creation. The responsibility to invest falls on the individual. However, there are those who decide that they will play the role of victim, all bad things happen to them and the situation will get worse if they become rich.   They have a "poor me” attitude, which they can actually change to that of victors. Such people display three characteristics; they blame, justify and complain. 

They blame other people for their problems. Ask them why they are not rich or wealthy. They will say the Government is doing little, the economy is slowing down, their employer has ignored them or their parents never taught them wealth tricks among other excuses. They are not party to their failures.  Experts on personal finance say you must move out of the blame game and take your own responsibility if things are to change.

If they are not blaming they are justifying. This is the second crop of whiners. You will hear them say that "money is not that important”. Is that really a true statement? If money was not important how come for centuries it has been sought?

What you do not consider important cannot come your way. Those who justify themselves are usually broke, but validate their pecuniary situation using irrelevant examples. 

While money is not everything, it ranks high. Money is extremely important where it works and unimportant where it does not work. For example, some people say love is more important than money. This is partially correct.

How many structures like schools, hospitals or churches can love build? Love cannot even pay bills. Therefore do not justify that money is not important. The more funds you have, the better. 
Complaining is the third characteristic. Whiners live miserable and hard lives.

They complain about scarcity of money, others becoming richer while they become poorer, (which is a natural law if they do nothing about the blaming and justifying game), that the economy does not favour them to make more money, the rise in prices and anything relating to funds. If you want to build wealth you cannot afford to mingle with complainers.

The negative energy they carry is infectious and will impact on your investment plans. I challenge you for the next week: decide not to complain about anything. You will be amazed at the energy and serenity you have.   When you are complaining, blaming or justifying you are becoming a victim. If you manage you are becoming a richer person.