Love affairs with teachers can be catastrophic

With students going back to school last week after a refreshing three months holiday, they face a host of challenges especially our sisters. Girls are in danger of sexual exploitation by some of their male teachers. Ironically, these teachers, who are responsible for protecting the students, turn into predators. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

With students going back to school last week after a refreshing three months holiday, they face a host of challenges especially our sisters. Girls are in danger of sexual exploitation by some of their male teachers. Ironically, these teachers, who are responsible for protecting the students, turn into predators. 

Personal relationships between teachers and students of the opposite sex are frowned upon. However, I have discovered that such relationships thrive mainly because the students are ignorant.  Some girls believe that by being a teacher’s lover they are better than their peers and will be envied.

This is warped thinking. Such affairs can only end in disaster, expulsion from school, early pregnancy, shattered academic dreams or disease.   

Some girls confess it was not their desire to get into sexual relationships with a teacher. These students are to be pitied, as they were unsuspecting victims.

To avoid getting into a relationship with a teacher, look for the following telltale signs: Teachers who prey on students, award undeserved high grades to the student they have a crush on. When you find that you are given marks you are certain do not belong to you, be on the alert that something sinister is cooking.

A good student should demand an explanation and report the matter to the teacher’s departmental head. This way, the concerned teacher’s ulterior motives will be nipped in the bud.

Such predator teachers are also fond of arranging private, strangely timed tuition or counseling sessions with a student. Beware of the teacher, who summons you when other students are busy outside playing and chatting amongst themselves. Only agree to such a meeting if it is to be held in the office, and in the presence of other teachers.   Report any teacher who ventures into non-academic issues or touches you inappropriately. Rogue teachers are often reluctant to punish a girl they have their eye on. They may also be overly generous, giving you money and showering you with gifts in private. Politely refuse these gifts. 

Be vigilant to protect yourself from abuse and sexual exploitation by teachers. Your future is too precious to be messed up by a selfish person, who has already achieved his career goals.