All in place for local gov’t elections- NEC

KARONGI / RUTSIRO - As the nation finalises preparations leading up to next month’s local government elections, officials of the National Electoral Commission (NEC) in the Western Province have assured the public that all was ready.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

KARONGI / RUTSIRO - As the nation finalises preparations leading up to next month’s local government elections, officials of the National Electoral Commission (NEC) in the Western Province have assured the public that all was ready.

A series of sensitisation and mobilisation workshops have been conducted in the
past few days calling upon the public to turn up in large numbers on voting days
in order to effectively exercise their constitutional rights.

"It’s the duty of the people to vote capable leaders into public offices and
it’s your responsibility to make them understand this,” Jason Mukeshimana, a
NEC official in charge of Karongi and Rutsiro districts, said.

He urged members of the civil society to massively create awareness amongst
the general public so as to jointly conduct significant and meaningful elections

which kick off on February 4.
