Revision of historical literature is evidence of Pan-Africanism

Deemed as black continent occupants, Africans had nothing much to contribute towards most of the old historical books and this prompted the inclusion of certain aspects that are considered untrue about Africans. However, as time went by, most scholars and students at higher levels of learning have thought it wise of editing and removing the parts which seem to paint Africans in a disgusting in an unfair way.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Deemed as black continent occupants, Africans had nothing much to contribute towards most of the old historical books and this prompted the inclusion of certain aspects that are considered untrue about Africans.

However, as time went by, most scholars and students at higher levels of learning have thought it wise of editing and removing the parts which seem to paint Africans in a disgusting in an unfair way.

Pan Africanism as an ethical system, traces its origins from ancient times, and promotes values that are the product of the African civilization and struggles against slavery, racism, colonialism, and neo-colonialism.

Most books portrayed negative connotations about Africans that trigged the African elite to modify them to suite the Pan African loyalist.

Two of Pan-Africanism major modification goals are re-examinations of African history from an African perspective as opposed to a pro-European perspective and a return to traditional African concepts about culture, society, and values.

It includes all of Africa in its reach including the Caribbean, African Americans and other Black people in the world. Most notable, Pan-African academics often espouse the view that Egypt (Kemet), Nubia, or the Nile Valley civilization were of African origin. Most importantly, Pan Africanism is a search for humanity encompassing the struggle for Africans to be recognized as humans in their historical and present realities. (Kwabena F. Ashanti (1989); The Psychotechnology of Brainwashing)
In this area of study, both the actual history and the legacy of that history are studied as a single discourse. The emphasis in the historical narrative is on African agents, as opposed to non-African agents.

Most of the things that had their origins in Africa or from the black men have been converted to become "others”. For instance Africa and Mesopotamia is attributed as the father of the current civilization, however other historical books attribute them to a wrong origin.

These and other major evidences have prompted the African scholars to try and edit the historical books to bring out the factual and real picture.