Women MPs donate cows to poor women in Gakenke

The Forum for Women Parliamentarians (FFRP) has donated 19 heifers to poor women from Gakenke District. The hybrid cows were handed over by Marie Mukantabana, the vice president of the Senate and the president of FFRP. She was accompanied by other MPs, National Women Council representatives and local authorities.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Forum for Women Parliamentarians (FFRP) has donated 19 heifers to poor women from Gakenke District. The hybrid cows were handed over by Marie Mukantabana, the vice president of the Senate and the president of FFRP. She was accompanied by other MPs, National Women Council representatives and local authorities.

The heifers were donated in a bid to support rural women fight poverty through economic empowerment, as part of the government’s initiative of One Cow per Poor Family programme.

Mukantabana said that poverty eradication in the rural communities requires women involvement in income generating activities.

"We should fight poverty, starting within families, by focusing on women. We can’t realize development without everybody’s participation in poverty eradication,’’ Mukantabana said.

She added that women empowerment is in line with four of the 8 MDGs which focus on women, especially fighting poverty and hunger, promoting gender parity and reducing maternal death.

The beneficiaries were also given tick spray pumps and veterinary medication.
