FDU-Inkingi splits over Kayumba- Gahima-FDLR alliance

KIGALI - FDU-Inkingi has split after the formation of an alliance bringing it together with the Kayumba-Gahima-FDLR group, the Rwanda National Congress (RNC).

Thursday, January 27, 2011
L-R : Kayumba Nyamwasa ; Gerald Gahima ; Victoire Ingabire

KIGALI - FDU-Inkingi has split after the formation of an alliance bringing it together with the Kayumba-Gahima-FDLR group, the Rwanda National Congress (RNC).

A communiqué signed by both groups confirmed that after a December 19 meeting in Brussels, they have formed an alliance to coordinate their anti-Rwanda government activities.

But hardly had the ink dried on the paper, splits immediately began to appear within the ranks of FDU-Inkingi.

The president of Support Committee, Eugene Ndahayo, disassociated himself from the merger, saying that the FDU delegation who signed the agreement "no longer had powers to represent the support Committee or FDU-Inkingi n whatever capacity”.

He stressed that the FDU signatories — Nsengimana and Musangamfura — had acted "in their own interests” revealing that it was "not the first time the two had put their personal interests ahead of the organisation’s”.

The split comes after former prominent Rwandan politicians living in Europe rejected Gerald Gahima and his brother, Theogene Rudasingwa’s campaign drive to recruit them into their outfit. Gahima has been rejected largely, they say, on the basis of his close links with the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) militia and bankrupt unprincipled politics.

A UN group of experts report, the Economic Community of Great Lakes Countries (CEPGL) and former commanders of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) militia, have confirmed that the RNC has been recruiting to form a terrorist group, and has entered into similar alliances with other militia groups operating in Eastern DRC.

Gahima, Kayumba Nyamwasa, Patrick Karegyeya and Rudasingwa, were recently convicted and sentenced to lengthy jail terms for forming a terrorist group and threatening state security.

On her part, the head of the FDU-Inkingi, Victoire Ingabire,has been charged with association with a terrorist group, propagating the Genocide ideology, revisionism and divisionism.

She is also believed to be behind the creation of a rebel group; Coalition of Defence Forces (CDF).

Gerald Gahima and other members of the RNC, have been meeting in Montreux, Switzerland, with representatives of the so-called Support Committee of FDU-Inkingi, culminating in the announcement of the new alliance.

The FDU-Inkingi delegation included Nkiko Nsengimana, Dr. Mberabahizi Jean Baptiste and Sixbert Musangamfura. Gahima was accompanied by Joseph Ngarambe, Gervais Condo and Jonathan Musonera.
