We welcome the housing project

Editor, Contrary to the arguments of a few Rwandans, some self exiled, we wish to whole heartedly thank the RPF government for coming up with a modern housing plan to replace Nyakatsi (thatched dwellings). We categorically disassociate ourselves from the retrogressive sentiments being advanced by those who claim to speak for us.

Thursday, January 27, 2011
The Countryu2019s target is to have all Rwandans live in decent housing.(File Photo)


Contrary to the arguments of a few Rwandans, some self exiled, we wish to whole heartedly thank the RPF government for coming up with a modern housing plan to replace Nyakatsi (thatched dwellings).

We categorically disassociate ourselves from the retrogressive sentiments being advanced by those who claim to speak for us. We do not believe that, for government programmes to be implemented, there must be a general consensus. The eradication of Nyakatsi programme is good news for us village folks because decent housing reflects improved standards and healthy living.

We have seen this negativity with the land consolidation programme, where, at first, some people were opposed to the idea of extensive growing of one crop at a time, last year. Today, rural farmers are happy people, after realising abundant food and surplus for sale. We caution our compatriots in exile to desist from dissuading Rwandans from embracing popular government programmes.

Forward looking citizens ,even in the developed countries, do not oppose government programmes for the sake of it. We think the best our fellow compatriots can now do is to encourage more Rwandans in the Diaspora to mobilise resources towards the transformation process of our country.

Louise Kabanyana, Joseph Gatare and Leonard Gahima