Taxi –Moto operators advised to adopt savings culture

Gatsibo - Motorcyclists operating in Gatsibo District have been advised to adopt the culture of savings as a way of improving their lives and ensuring a secure future. The call was made by the district Vice mayor in charge of Economic Affairs, Nicolas Rwaka, during the launch of the Gatsibo Motorcyclists Cooperative.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gatsibo - Motorcyclists operating in Gatsibo District have been advised to adopt the culture of savings as a way of improving their lives and ensuring a secure future.

The call was made by the district Vice mayor in charge of Economic Affairs, Nicolas Rwaka, during the launch of the Gatsibo Motorcyclists Cooperative.

Addressing over 350 cooperative members, Rwaka advised the motorcyclists to always spend less and save more, and plan getting loans to invest in income generating projects.

"You have the capacity to make enough money today…but you should consume a small portion of it and save the rest, for use when you are no longer working,” he said.

Rwaka commended the motorcyclists for joining the community savings and credit cooperative (Umurange Sacco), which he said was created to boost the financial stand of the rural community.

Currently, the cooperative members have over Rwf5million in deposits with the Umurenge Sacco.

Aloys Rwabalinda, the president of the cooperative said that they are still mobilizing more members to join Umurenge Sacco.

"The Rwf5million deposited is just a start. We are calling on other members to join,” he said.

Evode Nzitunga, the president ATAMIMORWA, the national motorcyclists’ cooperative, said that the launch of the cooperative is in line with their plan of having their members across the country form cooperatives in their respective districts.

Police in the district also called on the new cooperative to jointly work together in curbing crime and maintaining security.
