Good governance key to peaceful Africa

Dear Editor, The world is now focusing on the ongoing political crisis in Kenya and Chad. In the case of Kenya, some immediate neighbouring countries are instead securing their borders to prevent the crisis from spilling over to their territories.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dear Editor,

The world is now focusing on the ongoing political crisis in Kenya and Chad. In the case of Kenya, some immediate neighbouring countries are instead securing their borders to prevent the crisis from spilling over to their territories.

What these neighbours forget is that the conflict in Kenya didn’t come from the outside but erupted from within. The cause of the Kenyan crisis is a typical African disease - insatiable hunger for power by leaders, presidents in particular.

Almost all African leaders need to undergo training in basic fundamentals of good governance; such as democracy and human rights.

Training our leaders can go a long way in saving this continent from the claws of savage leaders.