Congrats to our Archbishop

Editor, Through your paper allow me congratulate the newly consecrated Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Rwanda, Onesphore Rwaje. I have a few points to bring to your attention. The church is facing many challenges because its leaders are not living exemplary lives.  Church leaders must be good shepherds to their flock.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Through your paper allow me congratulate the newly consecrated Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Rwanda, Onesphore Rwaje.

I have a few points to bring to your attention. The church is facing many challenges because its leaders are not living exemplary lives.
Church leaders must be good shepherds to their flock.

As the new Archbishop, you should mobilise people to return to the church. Whenever I attend church services nowadays I feel as if the number of people attending mass keeps diminishing, especially in village churches.

People are making themselves very busy because of the challenges of the ‘real’ world. There is need to instil the values of God into them.

James Karara