True Way to launch debut album

True Way, a sensational female Gospel group, has completed work on its debut album ‘Niyo mpanvu.’ The album set launch on Sunday, at Mille Collines Hotel, Kigali. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. Entrance fee is Rwf 3000 and Rwf 7000 with a brand-new CD.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
True Way

True Way, a sensational female Gospel group, has completed work on its debut album ‘Niyo mpanvu.’

The album set launch on Sunday, at Mille Collines Hotel, Kigali.
Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. Entrance fee is Rwf 3000 and Rwf 7000 with a brand-new CD.

The 12-track album was produced by locally renowned producer, Clement from KINA Studio.

Frontwoman, Josephine Uwizeye said: "The only thing that comes to mind when I think of our launch is excitement! As a group, we've have grown leaps and bounds due to our busy schedule at school."

True Way started in 2005, by nine female students, 8 of whow are now at the university.

"The album has quality music, and what makes it special is that everyone is able to get a package” Uwizeye said.

"We have an organised technical team coordinating the concert –we’re sure it will be spectacular,” she noted.
