Sleeping early is healthy

After a hard days study, playing and lots of class work at school, children need to get enough sleep to keep their bodies and minds healthy. It is usually said, “early to bed, early to rise makes you healthy” and so, you need to go to bed early so that you wake up early, feeling energetic and ready to begin another new day.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

After a hard days study, playing and lots of class work at school, children need to get enough sleep to keep their bodies and minds healthy.

It is usually said, "early to bed, early to rise makes you healthy” and so, you need to go to bed early so that you wake up early, feeling energetic and ready to begin another new day.

After school children are so tired and that’s why they need to rest. However, do not forget the homework that your teacher gave you otherwise you will get punished the next day. Do everything on time, have a time table for yourself. For example; when you reach home, take a bath, watch a little TV, do your homework, take supper and then go to bed.

When you wake up early, you in turn do everything early, it gives you enough time to prepare yourself for school without rushing so you never forget anything at home like your homework book or break snack.

An early rise, will always get you to school early and always ready for the lessons. This gives you a high level of concentration in class because your mind is working so well hence a good performance at the end of the day.  Why then wouldn’t you have the best results after preparing yourself by sleeping early and for enough time or hours?

Remember to listen to your parents when they encourage you to go to bed early, so that you can wake early.