If you are clean why did you abscond from court?

Editor, The grumblings by Patrick Karegyeya, Kayumba Nyamwasa and Gerald Gahima are ridiculous. They accuse the RPF government of not respecting the rule of law. Ironically, however, the same people do not respect what they claim to preach-respecting the rule of law.

Monday, January 24, 2011


The grumblings by Patrick Karegyeya, Kayumba Nyamwasa and Gerald Gahima are ridiculous. They accuse the RPF government of not respecting the rule of law. Ironically, however, the same people do not respect what they claim to preach-respecting the rule of law.

It is surprising that they absconded when they were summoned over the charges for which the military court last week sentenced them. People purporting to be strong believers in the rule of law should not have demonstrated such behaviour.

Disrespecting well established institutions only, further, confirms their guilt.

Bob Mutaganda