I hate people who…

…delay to attend to customers. I think it is only fair to hate anyone who tries to argue with me on this one. Don’t you feel like committing murder and then suicide each time you enter a restaurant, and you are not being attended to in time.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

…delay to attend to customers.

I think it is only fair to hate anyone who tries to argue with me on this one. Don’t you feel like committing murder and then suicide each time you enter a restaurant, and you are not being attended to in time.

Despite being very hungry the brainless waiters and waitresses keep passing by you idly as if you are just a decoration. Even when you try to call for their attention they simply tell you to be patient. Patience and hunger are simply not a good combination since anger is always in the mix. One of these days, I think I will have to hurt a waiter if they do not change their ways.  

…just cannot mind their business.

Hating is my business and it is all I do. In fact I really hate those big headed security guards working at banks and other commercial installations. These guys have a disturbing habit of pretending to be workers of the premises they are hired to guard. On Wednesday, I walked to a Rwandatel service centre in Nyabugogo and the security guard assured me how there was no airtime in the shop although I was not talking to him.

I ignored the fellow and when I entered the shop, I was given the airtime. I wonder what makes this guy who is employed to look out for thieves to think he is part of the Rwandatel staff. These fools need to mind their business.

…depend on electronic gadgets to do the simplest tasks.

Technology is a blessing to us for it really makes life much simpler for those who can afford. However this should never be used as an opportunity to exercise stupidity. I totally hate people who waste time looking around the whole house for the remote control when they can still change the TV channel manually.

It is even worse when one was sitting just a few inches away from the TV set. Thanks to Startimes and Dstv, the days of having one TV channel are gone and now some jokers want to constantly use the remote to show how tech savvy they are. I wonder whether they ever realise how foolishly annoying this is?

…think that I am interested in the illicit things they sell.

There are people who seem to have realised that The Hater is a rich fellow who moves around with a lot of money. Much as this is basically true, I hate it when these idle guys holding one shoe, fake bling bling, lousy perfumes and stolen cameras approach me with their tired line, "Grand frere waguze iyi mali…” I do not do my shopping along the streets so do not waste my time.

I will not buy anything from you. Just leave me alone for I have better things like hating instead of wasting listening to you telling about how genuine your fake goods are.

…think the taxis here are the same as Nairobi’s Matatus.

Almost everyday I see someone suspending their thinking and standing up when a taxi is still moving. These people even shout at the driver to stop because they want to get off immediately. Hey this is not Nairobi where people just jump out of moving taxis as they chase time.

Here the taxis stop at designated spots not just where you wish to get out from. If this is the system you want then you should just stick to walking. With walking you are already standing and you can stop anytime, as long as you are not walking in front of me. Stopping in front of me suddenly is a very risky thing to do.  

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293