A day in the life.… DR Claude

Dr. Claude is a renowned musician not only in the country, but even beyond boarders. Below is how he spends his work day;I wake up at 8.00a.m and immediately take water. I then engage in a body exercise to maintain my body fitness. After, I refresh, have breakfast and get to serious business.

Sunday, January 23, 2011
DR Claude

Dr. Claude is a renowned musician not only in the country, but even beyond boarders.

Below is how he spends his work day;
I wake up at 8.00a.m and immediately take water. I then engage in a body exercise to maintain my body fitness. After, I refresh, have breakfast and get to serious business.

As a musician, I do not require an office or even to be in the studio so as to work. I work from anywhere. I start by listening to my music especially the latest hits, comparing it to the old music.

From that, I realize the developments I have so far made, as I also plan on what other new items that I should put in the new compositions.

I use morning hours to compose, since I believe my brains are fresh. At 1.00p.m, I have lunch and have a rest for an hour.

By 2.00p.m, I get to town to meet different people on appointment. Amongst them may include fellow musicians and others with personal issues.

If I have to go the studio, I never plan or decide how much time I have to spend there but work determines.
At 6.00p.m, I have to sit down either in a restaurant or at home to reflect on what I have been able to do. This helps me to plan for the next day.

Of course there is that time I have to spend with fellow artistes before I get home. Depending on the day’s` programme, I might get home by 9.00p.m, have supper and get to bed at 10.00p.m.
