Minister calls on City leaders to enhance service delivery

KIGALI - The Minister of local government, James Musoni, has urged Kigali City leaders to enhance service delivery in their areas of administration.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

KIGALI - The Minister of local government, James Musoni, has urged Kigali City leaders to enhance service delivery in their areas of administration.

He made the call yesterday, while officiating at the general leadership assembly of all party leadership from the Village to the city level.

"It is possible for Rwanda to move another step… ahead in terms of development if there is improved service delivery in the areas of administration,” he told the leaders.

"At this moment you need to sit and reflect on what you have achieved and fill where there are still some gaps.”
Musoni noted that there are gaps in service delivery because they are not as fast as the citizens want them to be. The Minister, further advised the leaders to interact with the residents at the grassroots level, on regular basis, for effective service delivery.

He urged leaders to focus on stimulating production and improving conditions for consumption, instead of dwelling on peripheral concerns.

Musoni hailed the leaders for playing a great role in last year’s presidential polls, after a record turnout of voters. He added that in other countries, it is common to have low voter- turnout.

Musoni thanked them for the developmental activities they have spearheaded in Kigali city over the last five years, saying that other people take it for granted, imagining that the developments in the city were existing before.

"The Kigali city master plan is designed with a high level of technology and we need to implement it as we move to the next level of development,” he explained.

Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kacyira the Mayor of Kigali City, said that the reasons for holding the general assembly were to facilitate the leadership to have a common purpose and vision.

"Our city is developing very fast and we need to be clear, focused and have priorities and we need to be aware of the eminent changes and be able to commit ourselves and adapt adequately so that we can transform our society in a manner that is proactive,” she expounded.

"There is a commitment by the president and the government on what has to be delivered to the public and these leaders are the ones to implement government policies.”

She stressed that in the last five years, they have things they are proud of and most especially having engaged the community in all city activities.

She called upon local leaders to improve in areas where there are still gaps like in service delivery, being sensitive and respectful of the people, accountable and as well facilitating the community to enhance their economic activities in terms of savings and developing projects.
