Jobseeker’s Diary

The highlight of my week has been the successful overthrow of Zein al-Abidine Ben Ali. To all Tunisians, I say well done. Except for the many lives lost, we are proud of what you did. God knows the people need to speak loud and clear sometimes. To all those who lost their loved ones, like Mohamed Bouazizi, a 26-year-old fruit and vegetable vendor who’s very courageous act of taking his own life after state police confiscated his produce sparked off protests across the country, stay strong and find solace in the fact that these people didn’t die in vain.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The highlight of my week has been the successful overthrow of Zein al-Abidine Ben Ali. To all Tunisians, I say well done. Except for the many lives lost, we are proud of what you did. God knows the people need to speak loud and clear sometimes.

To all those who lost their loved ones, like Mohamed Bouazizi, a 26-year-old fruit and vegetable vendor who’s very courageous act of taking his own life after state police confiscated his produce sparked off protests across the country, stay strong and find solace in the fact that these people didn’t die in vain.

I wish people didn’t have to suffer. I wish precious lives wouldn’t be lost and I wish leaders the world over would do their job, which essentially is to serve the people. But these are just wishes. Nevertheless, I like the message Tunisia has sent across the world.

Somewhere, some people are shaking in their boots, wondering if the same might happen to them and I hope it does. I especially like all the drama behind the scenes. Like the pilot who refused to help the former president flee the country, though he finally managed to escape.

There’re also reports that Egypt refused to grant Ben Ali refuge. You would think the Arab brothers would come to his rescue! He finally made it to Saudi Arabia and I hope he stays there. But the most interesting reports are those of arrests of members his family who were apparently caught with gold and lots of jewellery. And there’s more. Lots of cash stashed in Swiss banks and countless assets. Typical greed exhibited by many people in power along with their allies. In the 23 years this man has been in power, his family has managed to build a huge business empire complete with telecom companies, hotels, resorts, car dealerships, banks and a lot more.

They’re also accused of intimidating competitors and "forcing” successful businesses to hand over part of their profits! Sounds like a scene right out of a movie yet it is actually real.

Well, the good news is that the Swiss authorities have frozen all their accounts and assets. Let’s hope they remit those resources to the rightful owners – the people of Tunisia who have endured this self-serving regime for so long. The Interim government may still have elements from the ousted regime but let’s hope they’ve learnt a few lessons and don’t repeat the same mistakes. Now if only the same could be said of Ivory Coast! Looks like Gbagbo is not going anywhere. He reminds me of those big-headed students back in school. No amount of caning or punishment would get them to do what prefects and teachers told them to do. In the end, they were dismissed from school because they had refused to change.

I don’t condone violence and like most people, I know if the military option is taken, the poor Ivorian civilians will pay dearly. But that’s the price of democracy. It’s painful and at times causes destruction but the rewards are "sweet.”

Speaking of lengthy reigns, does anybody know when the Williams sisters plan to retire from tennis? I’ve practically grown up seeing these girls play and they must have won every trophy there is to win but they’re still at it. Venus is a seven-time Grand Slam title winner while Serena has bagged 13 Grand Slams and counting.

True they’re good but I’m just tired of seeing them. I feel the same way about Tiger Woods. Good thing his private life drama kept him occupied for most of last year. I’m I the only one who thinks these people should retire and do something else? Serena for instance is into fashion, if what she wears to her games is anything to go by. A line of clothes or jewellery would let her exploit her other talents, don’t you think? After all, it’s something most celebrities do these days!

To be continued...