Time to promote a savings culture

Editor, The country’s economy is performing well, and according to financial experts, the current environment is favorable for growth. We do have targets, as individuals and a country as a whole. However, to achieve the targets, there are a various things we must do, including, having more Rwandan citizens develop the culture of saving.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


The country’s economy is performing well, and according to financial experts, the current environment is favorable for growth. We do have targets, as individuals and a country as a whole. However, to achieve the targets, there are a various things we must do, including, having more Rwandan citizens develop the culture of saving.

We have a number of banks, saving schemes and other financial institutions that can help turn one’s savings into wealth, but for that to happen, people have to be disciplined spenders, and dedicate a portion of the income, however meager, to savings.

Ruth C. Umutoni