Rwanda to host Zone 5 hoops qualifiers

RWANDA will host this year’s Zone 5 men basketball qualifiers from February 7-14 at Amahoro indoor stadium.The one week tournament will attract eight countries which include: Kenya, Burundi, Somalia, Tanzania, Ethiopia, reigning champions Egypt, Rwanda and Uganda.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

RWANDA will host this year’s Zone 5 men basketball qualifiers from February 7-14 at Amahoro indoor stadium.
The one week tournament will attract eight countries which include: Kenya, Burundi, Somalia, Tanzania, Ethiopia, reigning champions Egypt, Rwanda and Uganda.

The technical director of the local basketball governing body (Ferwaba) Shema Maboko confirmed to this paper that the national team which has been training twice a day will enter residential camp at La Palisse Nyandungu on Monday.

"The players have been having daily training sessions and will now enter camp on Monday. Other teams are expected to start in the first week of February,” Maboko said.
