Couple walks to church to wed

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — While many people are afraid of weddings fearful of the expenses involved, Jamvie Bagwizimana and Christine Mukankuranga of Byumba on Saturday tied the knot at minimum cost.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


GICUMBI — While many people are afraid of weddings fearful of the expenses involved, Jamvie Bagwizimana and Christine Mukankuranga of Byumba on Saturday tied the knot at minimum cost.

Determined to prove that some costs associated with such ceremonies particularly in town are at times uncalled for or exaggerated, the couple arrived at church on foot and held a reception in church. Observers estimated the ceremony to have cost not more than Frw300,000.

Among the invited guests were also villagers most of whom also came by foot or used public means of transport.

By mid-day the Church choir and other Christians had started entertaining guests also free of charge. This is contrary to city folks who hire music systems at cut throat costs.

After exchanging marriage vows the couple served their guests one bottle of soda each, a plateful of Irish potatoes with rice and one piece of meat whose cost was valued at less than Frw200,000.

Against the normal procedure of having a moderator or master of ceremony, Pastor Joseph Munyemanzi who presided over the wedding ceremony and the choir master Jean Bosco Twasabyimana doubled as the moderators.

After the service the couple hired a special hire taxi at a cost of Frw2,000 that drove them to Byumba round-about overlooking IRIS Restaurant where they took photographs. Other guests equally sought their own transport to various destinations.

Moments earlier, the pastor advised youth to legalise their marriages saying not doing so ‘on the pretext of expenses’ was uncalled for.
