MIFOTRA draws up plan to retain civil servants

KIGALI - The Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA) will by the end of March present a “Pay and Retention Policy Inception Report’, a move aimed at retaining civil servants and improving their welfare.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Public Service Minister Anastase Murekezi

KIGALI - The Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA) will by the end of March present a "Pay and Retention Policy Inception Report’, a move aimed at retaining civil servants and improving their welfare.

This was prompted by the public sector losing many employees to the better-paying private sector; a trend the ministry hopes will be reversed once the new policy comes into effect.

The report will indicate problems among the civil servants from all public institutions in the country.
According to Anastase Murekezi, the Minister of Public Service and Labour, the move is also in line with vision 2020 of fighting poverty.

"The country cannot achieve 2020 objectives without committed civil servants in public institutions. So this new policy will show the significance of the civil servants’ role in the development of the country,” said Murekezi.

"This policy will be packaged in a way that makes it possible to retain well performing civil servants and also take care of the general welfare of the personnel,” he said.
The move is also aimed at removing pay imbalances in the public service and motivate hard-working staff.
