RDRC commissions 350 houses for ex-combatants

The Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (RDRC) yesterday launched a programme to build 350 housing units for severely disabled ex-combatants. The houses are meant to benefit category two of disabled ex-combatants, and their construction is within the Social Protection framework of the commission.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (RDRC) yesterday launched a programme to build 350 housing units for severely disabled ex-combatants.

The houses are meant to benefit category two of disabled ex-combatants, and their construction is within the Social Protection framework of the commission.

The beneficiaries are screened by a medical committee appointed by the Cabinet, and confirmed through the inbuilt vulnerability criteria.

The construction project was launched in Muyumbu sector of Rwamagana district in the Eastern Province where fifty-four housing units are being constructed.

Speaking to The New Times at the construction site, a Commissioner in RDRC, David Munyurangabo said that 350 houses will be built around the country.

"Geographically, the houses are to be built where the individual beneficiaries choose to settle, and particularly in Imidugudu settlements earmarked by the Local Government authorities,” said Munyurangabo.

In an interview, Solina Mukabagema, an ex-combatant who is among the beneficiaries in this category, expressed her happiness that she was going to get a place to call home.

"The house is going to be very helpful because I did not have anywhere to stay with my family and I am very happy,” she said.

She also thanked the government for considering them with decent places to live.

In a bid to assist the government which has pledged full funding of the project, RDRC has opted for the least-cost durable houses.

The project has also benefited from the Rwanda Defence Forces which provided them with brick-laying machines, trucks and water tanks, while police offered manpower.

The construction project of the 350 houses is expected to be completed within four months.
