Happiness again

In the village of Kibungo, lived an old woman called Uwamahoro. She had three sons; Kallisa, Ishimwe and Shyaka who lived happily in their small house. Uwamahoro was a poor widow and life was hard for them. One night when they had finished eating supper, Kallisa the eldest son had a conversation with his mother.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In the village of Kibungo, lived an old woman called Uwamahoro. She had three sons; Kallisa, Ishimwe and Shyaka who lived happily in their small house.

Uwamahoro was a poor widow and life was hard for them. One night when they had finished eating supper, Kallisa the eldest son had a conversation with his mother.

"Mother we are going to Kigali tomorrow to look for work so that we can become rich,” Kallisa said.

After the long discussion, Uwamahoro allowed them to go with her blessings.

She said, "Go in peace my sons, God be with you till we meet again.”

For three years, her sons were away and Uwamahoro waited for them to return but all in vain. Even when she involved the villagers and asked them to help her look for her sons, their  efforts were fruitless.

One morning at around 10:00 a.m,  while she was sited outside her small house singing her usual songs and lamenting about  her missing sons, she saw a car slowly approach her. It  parked outside her compound, and three men came out.

She could not believe her eyes! They were her sons! They hugged her, and their eyes were filled with tears of joy. She thanked the Almighty God for taking care of her children  when they were away.

Uwamahoro’s sons bought her a phone for communication and since then she kept talking to them when they were away working in the city.

"I thank God for making my family rich and for bringing back my happiness!” Uwamahoro exclaimed.
