Press Release

RWANDA NATIONAL POLICE January 17, 2011Rwanda Police Chief’s Statement on police role in enforcing the court verdict  against  four Rwandan convicted criminal fugitives (Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa, Theogene Rudasingwa, Patrick Karegeya  and Gerald Gahima)Following the court verdict against Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa, Theogene Rudasingwa, Patrick Karegeya and Gerald Gahima on 14th January 2011, Rwanda National Police in its mandate to enforce court decisions is on the right track and has issued a diffusion notice to 188 Interpol member countries requesting them to arrest on sight the four convicted fugitives with a view of extraditing them to Rwanda to serve the sentences imposed by the competent court.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
L-R : Kayumba Nyamwasa ; Patrick Karegeya ; Gerald Gahima ; Theogene Rudasingwa


January 17, 2011
Rwanda Police Chief’s Statement on police role in enforcing the court verdict  against  four Rwandan convicted criminal fugitives (Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa, Theogene Rudasingwa, Patrick Karegeya  and Gerald Gahima)
Following the court verdict against Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa, Theogene Rudasingwa, Patrick Karegeya and Gerald Gahima on 14th January 2011, Rwanda National Police in its mandate to enforce court decisions is on the right track and has issued a diffusion notice to 188 Interpol member countries requesting them to arrest on sight the four convicted fugitives with a view of extraditing them to Rwanda to serve the sentences imposed by the competent court.
It is not the first time the Interpol member countries have arrested and helped to bring to justice Rwandan fugitives at the request of Rwanda National Police in line with international police cooperation.

The four fugitives were charged with disturbing public order, threatening State security, sectarianism and Criminal conspiracy. Kayumba and Rudasingwa were also charged with deserting the military institution.

Subsequent to the military court ruling, Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa and Theogene Rudasingwa have been sentenced to 24 years in prison, Patrick Karegeya and Gerald Gahima 20 years of imprisonment.

Rwanda National Police has put more efforts on issuing a diffusion notice on the arrest of the criminal fugitives prior mentioned and is working tirelessly to ensure that they are brought to justice and serve their sentences issued by the relevant court and this is in line with Article 2 of Interpol constitution related to mutual assistance between all criminal police authorities within the limits of laws existing in different countries.

After circulating the diffusion notice, details of the wanted persons, their suspected locations and any other potential information were sent to the Interpol member states and Vital information on their travelling documents, photographs, finger prints and telephone numbers also have been circulated and will help to work hand in hand so as to limit their movements which will result in their arrest. With this  we are confident that with the effectiveness of Interpol  tools of communication  and the resolve of member countries to bring to justice wanted fugitives there is no doubt the above criminals will have no hiding place and soon will face the law.