3rd phase ICT action plan unveiled

KIGALI - The implementation of the National ICT Plan (NICI 3), that runs from 2011-2105 is set to focus on service development in the country. The plan, elaborates how Rwanda is going to move from being an agriculture-based economy to the knowledge based economy.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

KIGALI - The implementation of the National ICT Plan (NICI 3), that runs from 2011-2105 is set to focus on service development in the country.

The plan, elaborates how Rwanda is going to move from being an agriculture-based economy to the knowledge based economy.

According to Ignace Gatare, the Minister in the Office of the President in charge of ICT, the plan will focus on the service delivery where all institutions will work together using the already existing infrastructure.

"We have several facilities in place such as the fibre optic cable, ICT buses, Telecentres, wireless broadband services, among others. Now let’s make use of them,” he challenged.

"We do believe that after enabling environment infrastructure development in our county, now we have to take advantage by focusing on the service sector development which will allow us to shift to the knowledge-based society.”

Gatare added that, under NICI 3, the focus will be on service development through diversifying citizen-centric ICT applications and digital content for community development, promoting of an ICT culture and use of data for decision making in Local Government (through adequate training in ICT).

He stressed that the ICT for community development, will focus on awareness of the availability and affordability of ICT services, especially in remote areas and they will work closely with the private sector.

The plan will also encourage entrepreneurship in ICT by linking technical colleges, universities and the private sector.

In 2000, government launched the National ICT Plan, and for five years (2000-2005), they focused on the creation of a fertile, enabling environment in Rwanda for ICT initiatives to take hold.

The second, from 2006 to 2010, placed emphasis on the development of key ICT infrastructure such as the laying of fibre optics cables and other ICT infrastructures.
