RALGA’s resolve to embrace ICT is a right move

Editor, This letter is in reference to your article in yesterday’s edition entitled” RALGA embraces ICT. “ It is very encouraging to read that the General Assembly of the Rwanda. Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) has resolved to adopt ICT as a way of enhancing e-governance.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


This letter is in reference to your article in yesterday’s edition entitled” RALGA embraces ICT. " It is very encouraging to read that the General Assembly of the Rwanda

Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) has resolved to adopt ICT as a way of enhancing e-governance.

This is surely a move in the right direction. The benefits of ICT are there for all to see and hence the call given by the association’s President, Dr. Aisa Kirabo, to all her counterparts will ensure a better and more efficient means of communication between all the local authorities and the people of this beautiful country-  Rwanda.

Clarence Fernandes
Chairman Rwanda Renaissance