Cross-breed cattle on the rise

NYAGATARE - The government’s campaign to improve local livestock breeds through cross-breeding has registered tremendous progress in the Eastern Province, an official has said. Since its inception in early 1995, the number of cross-breeds is estimated at 10,000 heads in the province.In an interview, Dr Augustine Zimulinda, of the Rwanda Animal Resources Development Authority (RARDA), said milk production in the country has also increased due to cross-breeding.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
A cross-breed at ISAR Research centre in Nyagatare sector.Photo.Dan Ngabonziza

NYAGATARE - The government’s campaign to improve local livestock breeds through cross-breeding has registered tremendous progress in the Eastern Province, an official has said.

Since its inception in early 1995, the number of cross-breeds is estimated at 10,000 heads in the province.
In an interview, Dr Augustine Zimulinda, of the Rwanda Animal Resources Development Authority (RARDA), said milk production in the country has also increased due to cross-breeding.

"We are at an impressive stage as far as animal products like meat, eggs and others are concerned. What we wanted was to increase milk production and this has been achieved,” he said.

He noted that prior to the campaign; livestock farmers in the Eastern Province had a culture of over stocking local breeds which were less productive, but through massive sensitization, has changed their perception.

"We had to massively sensitise farmers to adopt the new system of cross breeds that significantly increased milk production. The journey has been successful and a big number of cross-breeds have been registered in the province,” he said.

Dr. Zimulinda revealed that milk production almost tripled compared to previous years.

"Before this campaign, milk production was at around 12,000 litres daily but today, about 60,000 litres.”
