Mediators to be monitored at district level

RUHANGO - The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Justice, Esperance Nyirasafari, has revealed that all activities concerning the capacity, effectiveness and training of mediators will be monitored at the district level by the newly established, Abunzi secretariat.

Monday, January 17, 2011
Esperance Nyirasafari addressing the mediators (Photo; D Sabiiti)

RUHANGO - The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Justice, Esperance Nyirasafari, has revealed that all activities concerning the capacity, effectiveness and training of mediators will be monitored at the district level by the newly established, Abunzi secretariat.

While addressing over 200 trainee-mediators in Byimana sector, Nyirasafari noted that the role of mediators is vital for community development and the Ministry of Justice expects a lot from the 38,000 mediators across the country.

"The work of mediators is very profound in educating residents and resolving
conflicts in the community. Their effectiveness will lead to a drop in the number of the trivial cases being filled in conventional courts - some of which can be managed by education and promotion of mutual understanding among the residents” Nirasafari said.

"This trend will enable the Ministry of Justice to concentrate on the bigger cases and give the chance to local leaders and residents to think positively on matters of development, instead of wasting time and money in court.”

The participants also discussed the new law which stipulates the structure, authority, and functions of mediators.

The amended law provides for establishment of a mediators’ committee and an appeal court at sector level. It also gives a five-year mandate to mediators instead
of the two years in the previous law.

The mediators welcomed the move by the Ministry to improve their capacity. They requested for additional facilitation including bicycles that would ease transportation and health insurance.
