Red Cross joins Gicumbi development drive

GICUMBI - Red Cross Rwanda committees from Gicumbi, Rulindo and Gakenke, on Sunday, evaluated the achievements attained in the 2010 performance contracts and set new development targets, to be realized this year.

Monday, January 17, 2011
Red Cross District committees during the meeting yesterday (Photo; A. Gahene)

GICUMBI - Red Cross Rwanda committees from Gicumbi, Rulindo and Gakenke, on Sunday, evaluated the achievements attained in the 2010 performance contracts and set new development targets, to be realized this year.

The meeting on the performance contracts was held at the Gicumbi Red Cross office and presided over by Eugene Karangwa, the coordinator of Red Cross Rwanda in the Northern Province.

In his speech, Karangwa said that Red Cross Rwanda volunteers were partners in the development process, and that is the reason why they are participating in the process.

During exercise, the Chairman of Gicumbi Red Cross volunteers, Theogene Ndimukaga, explained that as, volunteers, they successfully contributed to the district’s development goals through the provision of shelter for vulnerable people, participating in the terracing of hills and paid health insurance for many vulnerable residents.

"Gicumbi District Red Cross volunteers have terraced a total of 195 hectares of hilsl in Nyankenke, Byumba and Manyagiro Sectors in addition to constructing 12 houses for vulnerable residents of Bukamba village in Byumba Sector”, said Ndimukaga.

He further said that the District Red Cross volunteers, last year, paid health insurance for 900 vulnerable residents in the District.

In Rulindo District, Red Cross volunteers helped establish income generating projects, including poultry farming, while in Gakenke, they participated in environment protection campaigns and planted over18000 trees across the district.
