NUR Rector cautions freshers on discipline

The Rector of the National University of Rwanda, Prof. Silas Lwakabamba, has advised Fresh year students to work hard and maintain a high level of discipline if they are to benefit from their academic endeavors. Prof. Lwakabamba made the call while addressing the students as part of the activities lined up during the University’s orientation week.

Monday, January 17, 2011
COMMENTED;Silas Lwakabamba (File Photo)

The Rector of the National University of Rwanda, Prof. Silas Lwakabamba, has advised Fresh year students to work hard and maintain a high level of discipline if they are to benefit from their academic endeavors.

Prof. Lwakabamba made the call while addressing the students as part of the activities lined up during the University’s orientation week.

In his speech, the Rector also told the students to put a lot of effort in widening their knowledge base as a way of ensuring a bright future.

"You are your own teachers; you should endeavor to dig for knowledge through learning. You should not wait for lecturers to spoon-feed you” he said.

"With discipline, you cannot fail to achieve what you have come here to do. We want you to work hard, respect others’ rights and have your work done. Getting a certificate should be your objective.”

Prof Lwakabamba went on to warn the female students against having sex, saying that it will distract them from what they came to do, and it may end up affecting their academic performance, and shuttering their dreams.

The Rector reiterated the importance of having an orientation week, saying it is a good way of preparing fresh students to the new life at Campus.
