It comes back to those who evade taxes

  Dear Editor, Rwanda not only largely depends on agriculture for her income but is also a landlocked country; implying that, the country does not reap much from the foreign exchange of her exports. Therefore, taxes become the easiest alternative to cater for the country’s public utilities

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dear Editor,

Rwanda not only largely depends on agriculture for her income but is also a landlocked country; implying that, the country does not reap much from the foreign exchange of her exports. Therefore, taxes become the easiest alternative to cater for the country’s public utilities.

However, it is disappointing to learn that there are some individuals who will do every thing and any thing to evade taxes which for the most part help the country.

It was learnt that some traders lend out their tax clearance documents and conduct a number of imports for different individuals to facilitate them to evade customs, duties and other taxes. Some other people use two different TIN numbers to carry out business transactions, both as a small and medium taxpayer and as a large taxpayer as well. This malpractice has caused problems to third parties who transact business with whack taxpayers especially with vehicles clearing.

With this kind of unbecoming behavior, many of these individuals have lost credibility. One thing these dishonest business people do not realise is that it all comes back to them when the public loses confidence in them.