Population control vital for Development

A proposal on how the government can control the increasing population growth has been tabled before parliament. Controlling population growth is vital for the realization of sustainable economic development. That is because a high population density means that available resources are stretched to the limit and therefore, impact negatively on sustainability of development activities.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A proposal on how the government can control the increasing population growth has been tabled before parliament.

Controlling population growth is vital for the realization of sustainable economic development. That is because a high population density means that available resources are stretched to the limit and therefore, impact negatively on sustainability of development activities. Uncontrolled population growth will have negative social and environmental consequences.

The government has taken numerous innovative initiatives to encouraging families to have children that they can provide for. Indeed, the proposal before parliament indicates that embracing government programmes can help achieve the desired growth rate.

What is important is greater involvement at the grassroots through mobilization and sensitization about family planning. Of great importance, is emphasis on education especially the girl child. Staying in school means that girls are less likely to get married early and it has been noted that educated people, are more likely to have fewer children.

Reproductive health education in schools and communities should be considered a vital part of family planning as a measure of population control.
