Business Perspective

Why mobile phone usage should be limited at the work place. I went to a certain bank last week, and I did not like the way I was received by the customer service lady. This lady made me sit and wait for her for twelve minutes, as she was busy chatting away on her phone with whoever was on the other side.

Saturday, January 15, 2011
cell phones at work

Why mobile phone usage should be limited at the work place

I went to a certain bank last week, and I did not like the way I was received by the customer service lady.

This lady made me sit and wait for her for twelve minutes, as she was busy chatting away on her phone with whoever was on the other side. Now I found this very rude especially at such a crucial desk. The customer service person is the first face of any company, and if you are not attended well on the first stage, then one can decide to go to the next service provider for the same services albeit better.
This is a trend I have observed in different places and offices I have gone to. In most cases you will find out of every five employees, at least three will be busy chatting away on the cell phones or busy sending sms.
Now, am talking out of experience with one of my former employee, who was operating a switch board out of her cell phone the whole day, talking to her friends and relatives instead of working. People tend to get carried away when they are on their cell phones for reasons I have not understood.
I cannot tolerate a phone call which takes more than three minutes. In most cases, I prefer to meet and discuss issues one on one, unless the person calling is abroad or not within meeting range, and even so I always request them to kindly draft me an email.
I don’t even know how people manage with having three cell phones, juggling with just one cell phone has been a problem for me.
I have walked in many different banks and there is always a sign that mobile phones should not be used in the banking halls. Some people still use their mobile inside the banks, but many have stopped.
But what surprises me the most, is that while I switch off my cell phone when entering the banks, I get surprised when I find employees of the same bank busy on their cell phones. So I often wonder whether that rule of not using the cell phones inside the bank premises does not apply to them.
There are many good reasons as to why mobile phone usage at work places should be limited;

The productivity of a company can simply dwindle because of lack of concentration from the employees. The cell phone has provided both the negatives and positives.
While it is now quicker and easier to send a short letter known as sms and to get in touch with people all over the world, some of us are not using the devices in the best way possible especially when it comes to our work places.
Cell phones are distracting not only because they require attention to operate, but because the conversation itself, engages the worker’s mind on something other than the job at hand.
Attending to a client
It is very annoying to enter an office to be served, and you find the person to serve you busy on their cell phones, either chatting away not caring whether you are there and you will wait for them or go away in protest, while you find others so busy composing an sms without bothering to look up. These annoying habits, can send away so many clients that the company has spent so much on trying to attract them.

Cell phones can also pose serious problems at work place, especially to people who work in factories or on construction sites. I remember reading about a man who was working on a construction site and was killed while talking on his mobile phone, because he did not hear the hooting of a moving crane.
Having your cell phone at work can be useful but it can also be very disruptive. Your friends and family can reach you anytime, anywhere, in case of emergency but when it comes to time to work all rules and regulations should be observed.
When you are on your own time, the choice to turn off your cell phone is entirely yours. When it comes to using your cell phone at work, however, you have to be mindful of your co-workers, your boss, not to mention your clients and your own ability to get your job done.
