Secret life … Claver Ngaboyisonga

Dr. Claver Ngaboyisonga is the Director of Scientific Research at the National Agricultural Research Institute (ISAR).  He is married and a happy father. The first thing you do in the morningI must always have a prayer

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Claver Ngaboyisonga

Dr. Claver Ngaboyisonga is the Director of Scientific Research at the National Agricultural Research Institute (ISAR).  He is married and a happy father.

The first thing you do in the morning
I must always have a prayer
When are you happiest?
Whenever I believe to have served excellently

Greatest fear
Doing something that may lead to loosing trust  

Childhood memory
My performance in the national primary leaving examinations. I was second countrywide.

Affectionate memory of your parents
They were loving and caring
What keeps you awake at night?  
When I have to make a report or even when I have plans underway

The most important thing life has taught you
People should always appreciate their achievements

Greatest achievement
My contribution in building my country

During your free time       
I love reading whenever I find such a moment

Retirement plans
I plan to have a seed company