The Hater : I hate people who…

…make empty promises endlessly. It is very unfair to promise things you are not ready to deliver. Please stand up and join me in with utmost anger in hating the people at MTN, who started a campaign, where we are supposed to win prizes for buying and scratching airtime cards.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

…make empty promises endlessly.

It is very unfair to promise things you are not ready to deliver. Please stand up and join me in with utmost anger in hating the people at MTN, who started a campaign, where we are supposed to win prizes for buying and scratching airtime cards.

I have bought so many airtime cards, but all I get from the investors at MTN centre is that tired message, "Sorry Try Again.” If you have nothing for me, don’t bother saying sorry because it does not make any difference. I do not even know anyone who has won anything yet all my friends are allergic to beeping, they buy airtime regularly. Have any of you readers won anything? It should be a prize or nothing. Not an annoying "Sorry, Try Again” And I am not sorry for hating you.

…suspend judgement relying only on computers.

I found the people at Nakumatt quite Hate-able this week. You can pick up something with a clearly written price only for the computer scan to give a different price! Recently, I lost my cool when they refused to sell me a magazine that had a price tag of Rwf4000, apparently because the item was not recognised by the computer! Couldn’t these jokers see that the price of the item was clear to even a nursery kid, and that there was no need for the computer’s opinion? And besides, I had the money to pay for it. So are they there to sell to people or computers? Don’t even try answering that one because I am still very angry. 

…are never in office yet continue to be referred to as ‘Boss’.

Indeed some people spend their lives exposing their foolishness. Oh how I hate fools who call themselves bosses but are never in office. They just love the sound of their secretaries blubbering; "The boss is not around.” So why have an office you never occupy? If we still have such people calling themselves bosses, then I beg you never to refer to me as boss.

My name is The Hater and I hate these children with adult bodies. This is the reason we continue to live in a third world country, as they slow our progress.   

…leave their food to answer useless phone calls.

The way some jokers behave with their cheap Chinese phones is so annoying that sometimes, I wish I could smash their empty heads with an old Eriksson phone. Yes, the ones that were almost the size of a small brick.

I hate people who in the middle of a meal, stop to answer a gossip filled call not knowing that their food is getting cold. The other day, I saw one such loser and I almost asked the waiter to confiscate his food. I don’t know about you but in The Hater’s world, food time is not a time to play with. Just try calling me when I am in the middle of separating tasty chicken from the bone, and see how vulgar and violent I can become.

…shout in taxis at friends who are at a distance. 

One of these days, I am going to donate heavy blows to fools who see their friends walking at a distance and decide that the best thing to do is to shout on top of their voices. Isn’t there a law that allows us to evict such part time thinkers from the taxi so as to restore sanity? I even wonder where they get the guts to do such silly things.

Do they do this to avoid spending airtime calling their friends? Next time you see me in a taxi with my trademark hat, remember not to shout because you will end up shouting more in pain. Let discipline prevail.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293