Performance contracts evaluated

KIGALI - Officials from the central government, yesterday, met local government leaders to discuss and evaluate the progress in the implementation of the 2010/2011 performance contracts in the last six moths. The forum, followed two other meetings that were held on Wednesday and Thursday that brought together the local leaders, right from sector to provincial levels to discuss ways to improve public financial management and service delivery.

Saturday, January 15, 2011
L-R: Ministers John Rwangombwa , Protais Musoni and James Musoni. (Photo / T. Kisambira)

KIGALI - Officials from the central government, yesterday, met local government leaders to discuss and evaluate the progress in the implementation of the 2010/2011 performance contracts in the last six moths.

The forum, followed two other meetings that were held on Wednesday and Thursday that brought together the local leaders, right from sector to provincial levels to discuss ways to improve public financial management and service delivery.

Officiating at yesterday’s forum, Protais Musoni, the Minister in charge of Cabinet Affairs, who represented the Prime Minister, called upon local leaders put in more efforts to ensure that the performance contacts are implemented right from the grassroots.

"We are mid-way into the implementation of these contracts...let’s critically examine the challenges and constraints you experienced and ensure that they are ironed out,” Musoni said.

He added that during the execution of the 2010/2011 performance contracts, a lot has to be done, especially in the agricultural sector, where high food production has to be maintained to ensure food security.

Musoni stressed that, in the implementation of the contracts, members of the public should also be put on board for effectiveness.

He also urged local leaders to embrace the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) at the local levels in order to promote social and cultural interaction and integration in the society.

James Musoni, the Minister of Local Government, called on the leaders to add more value on the performance contracts.

He also urged them to emphasise the government’s policy and implementation of ICT in local governments.
During the meeting, all governors highlighted progress registered over the last six months.
