Local Government self-evaluation programmes should be encouraged

Kirehe District was, this week, ranked the best in the Eastern Province in implementing the performance contracts. The provincial authorities noted that the district had realized most of its development goals, especially in the areas of roads construction, modern housing and agriculture.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Kirehe District was, this week, ranked the best in the Eastern Province in implementing the performance contracts. The provincial authorities noted that the district had realized most of its development goals, especially in the areas of roads construction, modern housing and agriculture.

Such self-assessment mechanisms are, indeed, instrumental in ensuring that local leaders deliver on their promises. By decentralizing the evaluation of performance contracts, local leaders will be obliged to perform against clearly defined targets, and this will help the masses determine the developmental progress of their communities.

This practice should, therefore, be decentralized further to the grassroots level so that the impact of regular self-evaluation trickles down.
This will, eventually, make it possible for ordinary people to decide whether their leaders have achieved the goals, or whether they need to replace them. Citizens should also be empowered to have a say in choosing priority areas pertaining to their communities.
This is an initiative that should be introduced across the country – right from the Umudugudu to the provincial level. The best performers should be rewarded and their experiences used to improve the performance in other areas. This will result in healthy competition, accountability, innovation and, ultimately, accelerated development.
