Rwanda impresses delegates at Global Investors’ Summit

Editor, This is in reference to your article in Thursday’s newspaper entitled “Makuza courts global investors.” It was wonderful to have Honourable Prime Minister Bernard Makuza and his high level delegation from Rwanda here in India, attending the Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors’ Summit. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011


This is in reference to your article in Thursday’s newspaper entitled "Makuza courts global investors.” It was wonderful to have Honourable Prime Minister Bernard Makuza and his high level delegation from Rwanda here in India, attending the Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors’ Summit. 

The turn out at the Rwandan Investment Seminar reflects the keen interest shown by investors not only from India but also from the many countries which participated at this Global Summit. The progress made by Rwanda and the enormous investment opportunities that exist have been well registered in the minds of potential investors and we can surely look forward to a surge in new investment projects in the near future.
Clarence Fernandes
Rwanda Renaissance