RRA cracks down on foreign registered vehicles

RUBAVU - Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) has embarked on a crackdown on cars with foreign registered number plates in Rubavu town. According to  Eugene Torero, the Deputy Commissioner General at RRA, over 95 percent of the vehicles in Rubavu town have Congolese number plates as a way of evading taxes. 

Friday, January 14, 2011
Eugene Torero, RRA Deputy Commissioner has said that 95 percent of vehicles in Rubavu are Congolese regestered

RUBAVU - Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) has embarked on a crackdown on cars with foreign registered number plates in Rubavu town.

According to  Eugene Torero, the Deputy Commissioner General at RRA, over 95 percent of the vehicles in Rubavu town have Congolese number plates as a way of evading taxes. 

"We are carrying out an operation against all foreign vehicles that are not properly registered, whether owned by Rwandese or foreigners,” Torero said.

RRA issues permits to four categories; Rwandans working in the DRC but reside in Rwanda, Congolese nationals who reside in Rwanda Congolese visitors who get into the country with their cars (cannot drive beyond 15 kilometres). The last category being vehicles which come in without any number plate, once they get here, they acquire Congolese plates.

"All these categories have got tax rules and regulations to follow once they are in Rwanda. But more often than not, you find them abused hence the decision to register these vehicles for easy monitoring,” added Torero.
Previously, Rwandans used to be issued travel cards with a validity of three months and pay Rwf15 000.

RRA wants this revised with the validity reduced to only 2 weeks and restricted to a single entry.

"Some of these vehicles once they come here disguised as foreign they turn round and start doing business activities such as taxi hire which is unfair to Rwandan registered vehicles,” Torero explained.
