Ensure cleanliness in public transport

Editor, ON Christmas Day, I traveled in a Coaster Mini Bus from the City Centre (near Sulfo Rwanda) to Kicukiro Centre, but I witnessed what seemed, to me, like a health hazard in public transport.I noticed that the seats of the bus were dirty and old.

Friday, January 14, 2011


ON Christmas Day, I traveled in a Coaster Mini Bus from the City Centre (near Sulfo Rwanda) to Kicukiro Centre, but I witnessed what seemed, to me, like a health hazard in public transport.

I noticed that the seats of the bus were dirty and old.
On the floor of the bus, I noticed what looked like bedbugs. I placed my feet on a small raised platform in front of my seat until I alighted.

My fear, however, is that these fleas could have clutched on my clothes all the way home.

Other passengers may carry the fleas while traveling on such a bus, to other vehicles and eventually to their homes. If this problem goes unchecked, many people could be affected.

I appeal to responsible authorities to ensure that public transport vehicles meet minimum sanitation standards before operating.

Oswald Rudakemwa
