Children can develop their talents

Talents are in born gifts to human kind. Everybody has special talents or gift created within him or her that we later have to develop in life.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Talents are in born gifts to human kind. Everybody has special talents or gift created within him or her that we later have to develop in life.

Some people are gifted with more than one abilities; these are normally used to support other skills we learn say in schools or in society like football, acting, singing and dancing, designing, drawing to mention but a few.

One cannot discover that special gift unless he or she practiced in line with it. For example, one with a talent of playing football cannot sit back and find it in him unless he goes to the pitch and tries it out.

By socialising with other people and getting involved in different activities, one gets a chance to discover their talents.

Talents are important in our lives because they make us happy and physically fit; they also help us do things we love thus doing them better.

Other people earn a living from talents even if they do not get a chance to go to school. Talents have made many people rich, travel to different places.

To develop a talent is not as difficult as one imagines, it involves practice with a willing and determined heart. Dear children, let us always identify our talents and develop them.
