Gakenke needs Rwf 300m to eliminate Nyakatsi

Members of Gakenke District Joint Action Development Forum (JADF), Thursday held a meeting to design strategies on how Rwf300m can be raised to eliminate grass huts commonly known as Nyakatsi.

Friday, January 14, 2011
The Gakenke District vice Mayor, Felicien Mporanyimana

Members of Gakenke District Joint Action Development Forum (JADF), Thursday held a meeting to design strategies on how Rwf300m can be raised to eliminate grass huts commonly known as Nyakatsi.

The District vice Mayor, Felicien Mporanyimana, said that decent housing for all Rwandans should be everybody’s concern, including development partners.

A special task force set up by the province indicated that Gakenke had more than 800 grass thatched houses, instead of 100 as had been previously stated.

"The difference in the actual number of thatched houses was caused by the figures we got from the Midugudu, and cells, but we have subsequently harmonized these figures and we are now moving on to design plans to provide decent shelter for all families,’’ Mporanyimana said.

World Vision pledged to provide roofing materials in the three sectors of Nemba, Gakenke and Karambo, while a private secondary school, APRODESOC, pledged to provide shutters.

The district has two months to do away with Nyakatsi.
