Rabbit and the butter

A rabbit like a tortoise is small but very clever. One day, a rabbit and fox were living together in the same hut, after a short time, the roof began to pass water (leak) because of much rain.

Monday, February 11, 2008

A rabbit like a tortoise is small but very clever. One day, a rabbit and fox were living together in the same hut, after a short time, the roof began to pass water (leak) because of much rain.

Both rabbit and fox thought of climbing the roof to check on what was causing the problem. Then they started mending the roof the whole day long, because they had to work for so many hours, they brought some food to be eaten during lunch time.

As time went on, rabbit began feeling hungry, he was thinking about fox’s butter all the time, and his mouth began to water. At last, he decided that he must have a taste of that butter, and he made a plan.

The food they brought for lunch was put in the corner, rabbit looked up all of a sudden, and raised his ears in front, and shouted "Here I am. What do you want?” and off he went very fast as if something was trying to catch him.

He ran round, and when he had made sure that no body was going to catch him, he went into the store, and there he stayed until he had eaten some of the butter, Then he went back to work.

"Where have you been Mr. Rabbit”? Fox said. I heard my children calling me, so I went to see what they wanted!

My wife is also very ill, so they went on with the day’s work, but that butter tasted so good that rabbit wanted more of it. So, he looked up again and shouted.

"Where have you been all this time?” I had gone to see my wife and she is getting worse! Rabbit said.

Soon rabbit heard them calling again, and off he went. This time he got that butter out so clean that he could see himself in the bottom of the bucket. He scrapped it clean and licked it dry, and then went quickly back to work.

To be continued....